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About Me

Just another super hero without a cape .


I love being a Mommy, it's the most rewarding and fun thing in the world to me. Also, it's the most frightening and intimidating thing I've ever done. Motherhood has had it challenges, just like anything else, you are always learning. Sometimes you have to employee creative parenting techniques because face it, parenthood doesn't come with a nifty how to guide tailored to that specific child.


This isn't my first rodeo either. I had my first born when I was 20 years old, talk about spacing your children apart! My first born and my second born will be 18 years apart. That's starting a brand new family all over, some say I'm crazy, that I'm pushing it with my age. Being over 35, middle aged and pregnant again after I'm already done with all the baby stuff, and kid stuff and ready to see my oldest off to college, yeah I've heard it. For me though, I feel like I am ready to be a parent, that I have things lined up and I have a plan now. With my first born it was like I had to hit the ground running and I had no idea what I was doing, I was just trying to wing it and keep the kid alive!


I've worked mainly in the administrative field juggling busy schedules and deadlines and trust me a M-F 9-5 is a cake walk compared to the 365/24/7 schedule of being a Mommy. At the moment I am a stay at home Mom and I don't think that, that sets women back in the world like I've been told. I think that it's my choice as a parent and if I made more money I'd have Daddy stay at home with the kids. We are in a place in our lives where we can have a parent at home with the children and it makes more sense to us to have me at home than in the workforce. Make no mistake, being a homemaker, a stay at home parent, is more than a full time job. My hours are around the clock and my work week is all week, all year. I don't get a vacation, sick time, holiday pay, or someone to come in and cover my shift on a rough day so I can get a break. Try telling a sick toddler that you need to take a lunch a break and you'll be back in an hour. Good luck!

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